Monday, June 14, 2010

before this attraction ferments,...

...kiss me properly and pull me apart.

[okay what the hey was I thinking back then. this blog post is not in continuity with the previous.
you know what, screw the last one.]

explain to me how not to love someone like you.
but as much as I'd like to dive headfirst into it, I realise I need to have boundaries. I just need you to know that
I'm not being insensitive, just defensive.
there's too many things I need to protect myself from. and I thought all first relationships would be easy.

at first I was raring to go, to just leap into this whole business. then, I thought it would be unfair to both of us - more for you than me, seeing as how you'd be climbing back from the fall.
now I'm not so sure.

everything's coming too fast at me.
I don't want us both to fall too fast, and then realise later that we're stuck.
I don't want to be another fool. Not your fool, no.

but yes, I need some time. not to find myself exactly, but to find what I want.
and I haven't thanked you properly for your patience, but I think I like the status quo very much.

and between now and then, till I see you again...